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X is dead on his feet

  • 1 Н-113

    ВАЛИТЬСЯ/СВАЛИТЬСЯ (ПАДАТЬ) С НОГ (от чего) coll VP subj: human or, rare, animal more often impfv) to be unable to stand on one's legs as a result of extreme fatigue, illness etc: X валился с ног = X was ready to drop (to collapse) X was dead on his feet X could hardly stand (stay) on his feet X was dropping (collapsing) (from exhaustion etc) X was dropping in his tracks X was dead tired (dog-tired)).
    (Зилов:) Нельзя так много работать. Мы не лошади. Я падаю с ног (Вампилов 5). (Z.:) It's no good working as hard as that. We're not cart-horses. I'm dead on my feet (5a).
    «...Почти все спят...» - «Они с ног валятся после вчерашней пьянки, их теперь не добудишься» (Шолохов 5). "...They're nearly all asleep." They could hardly stay on their feet after yesterday's boozing, you won't wake them now" (5a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Н-113

  • 2 валиться с ног

    [VP; subj: human or, rare, animal; more often impfv]
    to be unable to stand on one's legs as a result of extreme fatigue, illness etc:
    - X валился с ног X was ready to drop (to collapse);
    - X was dropping (collapsing) (from exhaustion etc);
    - X was dead tired (dog-tired).
         ♦ [Зилов:] Нельзя так много работать. Мы не лошади. Я падаю с ног (Вампилов 5). [Z.:] It's no good working as hard as that. We're not cart-horses. I'm dead on my feet (5a).
         ♦ "...Почти все спят..." - "Они с ног валятся после вчерашней пьянки, их теперь не добудишься" (Шолохов 5). "...They're nearly all asleep." "They could hardly stay on their feet after yesterday's boozing, you won't wake them now" (5a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > валиться с ног

  • 3 падать с ног

    [VP; subj: human or, rare, animal; more often impfv]
    to be unable to stand on one's legs as a result of extreme fatigue, illness etc:
    - X валился с ног X was ready to drop (to collapse);
    - X was dropping (collapsing) (from exhaustion etc);
    - X was dead tired (dog-tired).
         ♦ [Зилов:] Нельзя так много работать. Мы не лошади. Я падаю с ног (Вампилов 5). [Z.:] It's no good working as hard as that. We're not cart-horses. I'm dead on my feet (5a).
         ♦ "...Почти все спят..." - "Они с ног валятся после вчерашней пьянки, их теперь не добудишься" (Шолохов 5). "...They're nearly all asleep." "They could hardly stay on their feet after yesterday's boozing, you won't wake them now" (5a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > падать с ног

  • 4 свалиться с ног

    [VP; subj: human or, rare, animal; more often impfv]
    to be unable to stand on one's legs as a result of extreme fatigue, illness etc:
    - X валился с ног X was ready to drop (to collapse);
    - X was dropping (collapsing) (from exhaustion etc);
    - X was dead tired (dog-tired).
         ♦ [Зилов:] Нельзя так много работать. Мы не лошади. Я падаю с ног (Вампилов 5). [Z.:] It's no good working as hard as that. We're not cart-horses. I'm dead on my feet (5a).
         ♦ "...Почти все спят..." - "Они с ног валятся после вчерашней пьянки, их теперь не добудишься" (Шолохов 5). "...They're nearly all asleep." "They could hardly stay on their feet after yesterday's boozing, you won't wake them now" (5a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > свалиться с ног

  • 5 Н-111

    БЕЗ ЗАДНИХ НОГ PrepP Invar fixed WO
    1. бытье, остаться, вернуться и т. п. - highly coll. Also: БЕЗ НОГ coll
    subj-compl with copula (subj: human) (to be, come back etc) exhausted, unable to move (because of walking, work etc)
    X был - - X was dead on his feet
    X was dropping in his tracks X was ready to drop X was dead beat (dead tired, dog-tired) X was bushed (worn out etc) X had worn himself out (in limited contexts) X was tuckered out.
    Дай ей отдохнуть немного, она вернулась домой без задних ног. Let her rest up a bit, she came home dead on her feet
    ...Ha похоронах из жильцов, званых на похороны... никто почти не был... Пётр Петрович Лужин, например, самый, можно сказать, солиднейший из всех жильцов, не явился... Не пришел тоже и толстый подполковник (в сущности, отставной штабс-капитан), но оказалось, что он «без задних ног» еще со вчерашнего утра (Достоевский 3)...Of the lodgers that had been invited to the funeral, practically nobody had attended... Pyotr Petrovich Luzhin, for example, the most respectable, one might say, of all the lodgers, had not put in an appearance....A stout lieutenant colonel (in reality a retired second lieutenant) had not come either, but it turned out he had been "dead beat" since yesterday morning (3a).
    Калошин:) Если бегать каждому в анкету заглядывать - без ног останешься (Вампилов 1). (К..) If you had to run and check what everyone wrote on his registration form you'd wear yourself out... (1a)
    2. coll спать -
    (to sleep) very soundly
    X спит - — X is fast (sound) asleep
    X is sleeping like a log X is dead to the world.
    «Даже не шевельнулся, спит без задних ног» (Распутин 4). "Не didn't even stir, he's fast asleep" (4a)

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Н-111

  • 6 без задних ног

    [PrepP; Invar; fixed WO]
    1. быть, остаться, вернуться и т.п. без задних ног highly coll. Also: БЕЗ НОГ coll [subj-compl with copula (subj: human)]
    (to be, come back etc) exhausted, unable to move (because of walking, work etc):
    - X was dead beat (dead tired, dog-tired);
    - X was bushed (worn out etc);
    - [in limited contexts] X was tuckered out.
         ♦ Дай ей отдохнуть немного, она вернулась домой без задних ног. Let her rest up a bit, she came home dead on her feet
         ♦...На похоронах из жильцов, званых на похороны... никто почти не был... Пётр Петрович Лужин, например, самый, можно сказать, солиднейший из всех жильцов, не явился... Не пришел тоже и толстый подполковник (в сущности, отставной штабс-капитан), но оказалось, что он "без задних ног" еще со вчерашнего утра (Достоевский 3)....Of the lodgers that had been invited to the funeral, practically nobody had attended... Pyotr Petrovich Luzhin, for example, the most respectable, one might say, of all the lodgers, had not put in an appearance....A stout lieutenant colonel (in reality a retired second lieutenant) had not come either, but it turned out he had been "dead beat" since yesterday morning (3a).
         ♦ [Калошин:] Если бегать каждому в анкету заглядывать - без ног останешься (Вампилов 1). [К..] If you had to run and check what everyone wrote on his registration form you'd wear yourself out... (1a)
    2. coll спать - [adv]
    (to sleep) very soundly:
    - X спит - - X is fast (sound) asleep;
    - X is dead to the world.
         ♦ "Даже не шевельнулся, спит без задних ног" (Распутин 4). "He didn't even stir, he's fast asleep" (4a)

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > без задних ног

  • 7 без ног

    [PrepP; Invar; fixed WO]
    1. быть, остаться, вернуться и т.п. без ног highly coll. Also: БЕЗ НОГ coll [subj-compl with copula (subj: human)]
    (to be, come back etc) exhausted, unable to move (because of walking, work etc):
    - X was dead beat (dead tired, dog-tired);
    - X was bushed (worn out etc);
    - [in limited contexts] X was tuckered out.
         ♦ Дай ей отдохнуть немного, она вернулась домой без задних ног. Let her rest up a bit, she came home dead on her feet
         ♦...На похоронах из жильцов, званых на похороны... никто почти не был... Пётр Петрович Лужин, например, самый, можно сказать, солиднейший из всех жильцов, не явился... Не пришел тоже и толстый подполковник (в сущности, отставной штабс-капитан), но оказалось, что он " без задних ног" еще со вчерашнего утра (Достоевский 3)....Of the lodgers that had been invited to the funeral, practically nobody had attended... Pyotr Petrovich Luzhin, for example, the most respectable, one might say, of all the lodgers, had not put in an appearance....A stout lieutenant colonel (in reality a retired second lieutenant) had not come either, but it turned out he had been "dead beat" since yesterday morning (3a).
         ♦ [Калошин:] Если бегать каждому в анкету заглядывать - без ног останешься (Вампилов 1). [К..] If you had to run and check what everyone wrote on his registration form you'd wear yourself out... (1a)
    2. coll спать - [adv]
    (to sleep) very soundly:
    - X спит - - X is fast (sound) asleep;
    - X is dead to the world.
         ♦ "Даже не шевельнулся, спит без задних ног" (Распутин 4). "He didn't even stir, he's fast asleep" (4a)

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > без ног

  • 8 Н-131

    ЕДВА (ЁЛЕ, ЧУТЬ, С ТРУДОМ) ДЕРЖАТЬСЯ (СТОИТЬ) НА НОГАХ НА НОГАХ НЕ ДЕРЖАТЬСЯ (НЕ СТОИТЬ) VP subj: human usu. pres or past) to walk with difficulty (because of exhaustion, weakness, intoxication etc)
    X едва держится на ногах \Н-131 X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand on his feet
    X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand up (straight) X is having a hard time (is experiencing some difficulty) staying on his feet (in limited contexts) X is almost dropping from fatigue X is dead on his feet.
    (Ольга:) Я устала, едва на ногах стою... (Чехов 5). (О.:) I'm tired, I can barely stand on my feet... (5c).
    (author's usage) «Ну, веришь, Порфирий, (Раскольников) сам едва на ногах, а чуть только мы, я да Зосимов, вчера отвернулись - оделся и удрал потихоньку и куролесил где-то чуть не до полночи...» (Достоевский 3). "Would you believe it, Porfiry, he (Raskolnikov) could hardly stand up, but as soon as we-Zossimov and I-turned our backs yesterday, he got dressed and made off on the sly, and carried on somewhere till almost midnight..." (3c).
    Зурин поминутно мне подливал, повторяя, что надобно к службе привыкать. Встав из-за стола, я чуть держался на ногах... (Пушкин 2). Zurin kept filling my glass, repeating that I must get used to the ways of the Service. When I rose from the table, I could hardly stand up straight (2b).
    Договор был обмыт, и в сумерках, покидая контору, оба с трудом держались на ногах (Войнович 2). The agreement was sealed with a drink and when, at twilight, the two of them left the office, they were both experiencing some difficulty staying on their feet (2a).
    Главное было передохнуть и не ездить в Москву. Передышка нам была нужна как воздух. И психически сил не хватало на нищенство у довольно бедных людей, хотя по тем временам они казались богачами, и главное — потому что мы оба еле держались на ногах (Мандельштам 2)....The main thing for us was to have a break from our journeys into Moscow. We needed this as much as air to breathe. We just had no heart anymore for the business of begging from people who were themselves quite poor-though by the standards of those times they seemed very well off. But even more to the point, we were almost dropping from fatigue (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Н-131

  • 9 едва держаться на ногах

    [VP; subj: human; usu. pres or past]
    to walk with difficulty (because of exhaustion, weakness, intoxication etc):
    - X едва держится на ногах X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand on his feet;
    - X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand up (straight);
    - X is having a hard time (is experiencing some difficulty) staying on his feet;
    - [in limited contexts] X is almost dropping from fatigue;
    - X is dead on his feet.
         ♦ [Ольга:] Я устала, едва на ногах стою... (Чехов 5). [О.:] I'm tired, I can barely stand on my feet... (5c).
         ♦ [author's usage] "Ну, веришь, Порфирий, [Раскольников] сам едва на ногах, а чуть только мы, я да Зосимов, вчера отвернулись - оделся и удрал потихоньку и куролесил где-то чуть не до полночи..." (Достоевский 3). "Would you believe it, Porfiry, he [Raskolnikov] could hardly stand up, but as soon as we-Zossimov and I-turned our backs yesterday, he got dressed and made off on the sly, and carried on somewhere till almost midnight..." (3c).
         ♦ Зурин поминутно мне подливал, повторяя, что надобно к службе привыкать. Встав из-за стола, я чуть держался на ногах... (Пушкин 2). Zurin kept filling my glass, repeating that I must get used to the ways of the Service. When I rose from the table, I could hardly stand up straight (2b).
         ♦ Договор был обмыт, и в сумерках, покидая контору, оба с трудом держались на ногах (Войнович 2). The agreement was sealed with a drink and when, at twilight, the two of them left the office, they were both experiencing some difficulty staying on their feet (2a).
         ♦ Главное было передохнуть и не ездить в Москву. Передышка нам была нужна как воздух. И психически сил не хватало на нищенство у довольно бедных людей, хотя по тем временам они казались богачами, и главное - потому что мы оба еле держались на ногах (Мандельштам 2)....The main thing for us was to have a break from our journeys into Moscow. We needed this as much as air to breathe. We just had no heart anymore for the business of begging from people who were themselves quite poor - though by the standards of those times they seemed very well off. But even more to the point, we were almost dropping from fatigue (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > едва держаться на ногах

  • 10 едва стоять на ногах

    [VP; subj: human; usu. pres or past]
    to walk with difficulty (because of exhaustion, weakness, intoxication etc):
    - X едва держится на ногах X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand on his feet;
    - X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand up (straight);
    - X is having a hard time (is experiencing some difficulty) staying on his feet;
    - [in limited contexts] X is almost dropping from fatigue;
    - X is dead on his feet.
         ♦ [Ольга:] Я устала, едва на ногах стою... (Чехов 5). [О.:] I'm tired, I can barely stand on my feet... (5c).
         ♦ [author's usage] "Ну, веришь, Порфирий, [Раскольников] сам едва на ногах, а чуть только мы, я да Зосимов, вчера отвернулись - оделся и удрал потихоньку и куролесил где-то чуть не до полночи..." (Достоевский 3). "Would you believe it, Porfiry, he [Raskolnikov] could hardly stand up, but as soon as we-Zossimov and I-turned our backs yesterday, he got dressed and made off on the sly, and carried on somewhere till almost midnight..." (3c).
         ♦ Зурин поминутно мне подливал, повторяя, что надобно к службе привыкать. Встав из-за стола, я чуть держался на ногах... (Пушкин 2). Zurin kept filling my glass, repeating that I must get used to the ways of the Service. When I rose from the table, I could hardly stand up straight (2b).
         ♦ Договор был обмыт, и в сумерках, покидая контору, оба с трудом держались на ногах (Войнович 2). The agreement was sealed with a drink and when, at twilight, the two of them left the office, they were both experiencing some difficulty staying on their feet (2a).
         ♦ Главное было передохнуть и не ездить в Москву. Передышка нам была нужна как воздух. И психически сил не хватало на нищенство у довольно бедных людей, хотя по тем временам они казались богачами, и главное - потому что мы оба еле держались на ногах (Мандельштам 2)....The main thing for us was to have a break from our journeys into Moscow. We needed this as much as air to breathe. We just had no heart anymore for the business of begging from people who were themselves quite poor - though by the standards of those times they seemed very well off. But even more to the point, we were almost dropping from fatigue (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > едва стоять на ногах

  • 11 еле держаться на ногах

    [VP; subj: human; usu. pres or past]
    to walk with difficulty (because of exhaustion, weakness, intoxication etc):
    - X едва держится на ногах X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand on his feet;
    - X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand up (straight);
    - X is having a hard time (is experiencing some difficulty) staying on his feet;
    - [in limited contexts] X is almost dropping from fatigue;
    - X is dead on his feet.
         ♦ [Ольга:] Я устала, едва на ногах стою... (Чехов 5). [О.:] I'm tired, I can barely stand on my feet... (5c).
         ♦ [author's usage] "Ну, веришь, Порфирий, [Раскольников] сам едва на ногах, а чуть только мы, я да Зосимов, вчера отвернулись - оделся и удрал потихоньку и куролесил где-то чуть не до полночи..." (Достоевский 3). "Would you believe it, Porfiry, he [Raskolnikov] could hardly stand up, but as soon as we-Zossimov and I-turned our backs yesterday, he got dressed and made off on the sly, and carried on somewhere till almost midnight..." (3c).
         ♦ Зурин поминутно мне подливал, повторяя, что надобно к службе привыкать. Встав из-за стола, я чуть держался на ногах... (Пушкин 2). Zurin kept filling my glass, repeating that I must get used to the ways of the Service. When I rose from the table, I could hardly stand up straight (2b).
         ♦ Договор был обмыт, и в сумерках, покидая контору, оба с трудом держались на ногах (Войнович 2). The agreement was sealed with a drink and when, at twilight, the two of them left the office, they were both experiencing some difficulty staying on their feet (2a).
         ♦ Главное было передохнуть и не ездить в Москву. Передышка нам была нужна как воздух. И психически сил не хватало на нищенство у довольно бедных людей, хотя по тем временам они казались богачами, и главное - потому что мы оба еле держались на ногах (Мандельштам 2)....The main thing for us was to have a break from our journeys into Moscow. We needed this as much as air to breathe. We just had no heart anymore for the business of begging from people who were themselves quite poor - though by the standards of those times they seemed very well off. But even more to the point, we were almost dropping from fatigue (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > еле держаться на ногах

  • 12 еле стоять на ногах

    [VP; subj: human; usu. pres or past]
    to walk with difficulty (because of exhaustion, weakness, intoxication etc):
    - X едва держится на ногах X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand on his feet;
    - X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand up (straight);
    - X is having a hard time (is experiencing some difficulty) staying on his feet;
    - [in limited contexts] X is almost dropping from fatigue;
    - X is dead on his feet.
         ♦ [Ольга:] Я устала, едва на ногах стою... (Чехов 5). [О.:] I'm tired, I can barely stand on my feet... (5c).
         ♦ [author's usage] "Ну, веришь, Порфирий, [Раскольников] сам едва на ногах, а чуть только мы, я да Зосимов, вчера отвернулись - оделся и удрал потихоньку и куролесил где-то чуть не до полночи..." (Достоевский 3). "Would you believe it, Porfiry, he [Raskolnikov] could hardly stand up, but as soon as we-Zossimov and I-turned our backs yesterday, he got dressed and made off on the sly, and carried on somewhere till almost midnight..." (3c).
         ♦ Зурин поминутно мне подливал, повторяя, что надобно к службе привыкать. Встав из-за стола, я чуть держался на ногах... (Пушкин 2). Zurin kept filling my glass, repeating that I must get used to the ways of the Service. When I rose from the table, I could hardly stand up straight (2b).
         ♦ Договор был обмыт, и в сумерках, покидая контору, оба с трудом держались на ногах (Войнович 2). The agreement was sealed with a drink and when, at twilight, the two of them left the office, they were both experiencing some difficulty staying on their feet (2a).
         ♦ Главное было передохнуть и не ездить в Москву. Передышка нам была нужна как воздух. И психически сил не хватало на нищенство у довольно бедных людей, хотя по тем временам они казались богачами, и главное - потому что мы оба еле держались на ногах (Мандельштам 2)....The main thing for us was to have a break from our journeys into Moscow. We needed this as much as air to breathe. We just had no heart anymore for the business of begging from people who were themselves quite poor - though by the standards of those times they seemed very well off. But even more to the point, we were almost dropping from fatigue (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > еле стоять на ногах

  • 13 на ногах не держаться

    [VP; subj: human; usu. pres or past]
    to walk with difficulty (because of exhaustion, weakness, intoxication etc):
    - X едва держится на ногах X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand on his feet;
    - X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand up (straight);
    - X is having a hard time (is experiencing some difficulty) staying on his feet;
    - [in limited contexts] X is almost dropping from fatigue;
    - X is dead on his feet.
         ♦ [Ольга:] Я устала, едва на ногах стою... (Чехов 5). [О.:] I'm tired, I can barely stand on my feet... (5c).
         ♦ [author's usage] "Ну, веришь, Порфирий, [Раскольников] сам едва на ногах, а чуть только мы, я да Зосимов, вчера отвернулись - оделся и удрал потихоньку и куролесил где-то чуть не до полночи..." (Достоевский 3). "Would you believe it, Porfiry, he [Raskolnikov] could hardly stand up, but as soon as we-Zossimov and I-turned our backs yesterday, he got dressed and made off on the sly, and carried on somewhere till almost midnight..." (3c).
         ♦ Зурин поминутно мне подливал, повторяя, что надобно к службе привыкать. Встав из-за стола, я чуть держался на ногах... (Пушкин 2). Zurin kept filling my glass, repeating that I must get used to the ways of the Service. When I rose from the table, I could hardly stand up straight (2b).
         ♦ Договор был обмыт, и в сумерках, покидая контору, оба с трудом держались на ногах (Войнович 2). The agreement was sealed with a drink and when, at twilight, the two of them left the office, they were both experiencing some difficulty staying on their feet (2a).
         ♦ Главное было передохнуть и не ездить в Москву. Передышка нам была нужна как воздух. И психически сил не хватало на нищенство у довольно бедных людей, хотя по тем временам они казались богачами, и главное - потому что мы оба еле держались на ногах (Мандельштам 2)....The main thing for us was to have a break from our journeys into Moscow. We needed this as much as air to breathe. We just had no heart anymore for the business of begging from people who were themselves quite poor - though by the standards of those times they seemed very well off. But even more to the point, we were almost dropping from fatigue (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > на ногах не держаться

  • 14 на ногах не стоять

    [VP; subj: human; usu. pres or past]
    to walk with difficulty (because of exhaustion, weakness, intoxication etc):
    - X едва держится на ногах X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand on his feet;
    - X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand up (straight);
    - X is having a hard time (is experiencing some difficulty) staying on his feet;
    - [in limited contexts] X is almost dropping from fatigue;
    - X is dead on his feet.
         ♦ [Ольга:] Я устала, едва на ногах стою... (Чехов 5). [О.:] I'm tired, I can barely stand on my feet... (5c).
         ♦ [author's usage] "Ну, веришь, Порфирий, [Раскольников] сам едва на ногах, а чуть только мы, я да Зосимов, вчера отвернулись - оделся и удрал потихоньку и куролесил где-то чуть не до полночи..." (Достоевский 3). "Would you believe it, Porfiry, he [Raskolnikov] could hardly stand up, but as soon as we-Zossimov and I-turned our backs yesterday, he got dressed and made off on the sly, and carried on somewhere till almost midnight..." (3c).
         ♦ Зурин поминутно мне подливал, повторяя, что надобно к службе привыкать. Встав из-за стола, я чуть держался на ногах... (Пушкин 2). Zurin kept filling my glass, repeating that I must get used to the ways of the Service. When I rose from the table, I could hardly stand up straight (2b).
         ♦ Договор был обмыт, и в сумерках, покидая контору, оба с трудом держались на ногах (Войнович 2). The agreement was sealed with a drink and when, at twilight, the two of them left the office, they were both experiencing some difficulty staying on their feet (2a).
         ♦ Главное было передохнуть и не ездить в Москву. Передышка нам была нужна как воздух. И психически сил не хватало на нищенство у довольно бедных людей, хотя по тем временам они казались богачами, и главное - потому что мы оба еле держались на ногах (Мандельштам 2)....The main thing for us was to have a break from our journeys into Moscow. We needed this as much as air to breathe. We just had no heart anymore for the business of begging from people who were themselves quite poor - though by the standards of those times they seemed very well off. But even more to the point, we were almost dropping from fatigue (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > на ногах не стоять

  • 15 с трудом держаться на ногах

    [VP; subj: human; usu. pres or past]
    to walk with difficulty (because of exhaustion, weakness, intoxication etc):
    - X едва держится на ногах X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand on his feet;
    - X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand up (straight);
    - X is having a hard time (is experiencing some difficulty) staying on his feet;
    - [in limited contexts] X is almost dropping from fatigue;
    - X is dead on his feet.
         ♦ [Ольга:] Я устала, едва на ногах стою... (Чехов 5). [О.:] I'm tired, I can barely stand on my feet... (5c).
         ♦ [author's usage] "Ну, веришь, Порфирий, [Раскольников] сам едва на ногах, а чуть только мы, я да Зосимов, вчера отвернулись - оделся и удрал потихоньку и куролесил где-то чуть не до полночи..." (Достоевский 3). "Would you believe it, Porfiry, he [Raskolnikov] could hardly stand up, but as soon as we-Zossimov and I-turned our backs yesterday, he got dressed and made off on the sly, and carried on somewhere till almost midnight..." (3c).
         ♦ Зурин поминутно мне подливал, повторяя, что надобно к службе привыкать. Встав из-за стола, я чуть держался на ногах... (Пушкин 2). Zurin kept filling my glass, repeating that I must get used to the ways of the Service. When I rose from the table, I could hardly stand up straight (2b).
         ♦ Договор был обмыт, и в сумерках, покидая контору, оба с трудом держались на ногах (Войнович 2). The agreement was sealed with a drink and when, at twilight, the two of them left the office, they were both experiencing some difficulty staying on their feet (2a).
         ♦ Главное было передохнуть и не ездить в Москву. Передышка нам была нужна как воздух. И психически сил не хватало на нищенство у довольно бедных людей, хотя по тем временам они казались богачами, и главное - потому что мы оба еле держались на ногах (Мандельштам 2)....The main thing for us was to have a break from our journeys into Moscow. We needed this as much as air to breathe. We just had no heart anymore for the business of begging from people who were themselves quite poor - though by the standards of those times they seemed very well off. But even more to the point, we were almost dropping from fatigue (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > с трудом держаться на ногах

  • 16 с трудом стоять на ногах

    [VP; subj: human; usu. pres or past]
    to walk with difficulty (because of exhaustion, weakness, intoxication etc):
    - X едва держится на ногах X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand on his feet;
    - X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand up (straight);
    - X is having a hard time (is experiencing some difficulty) staying on his feet;
    - [in limited contexts] X is almost dropping from fatigue;
    - X is dead on his feet.
         ♦ [Ольга:] Я устала, едва на ногах стою... (Чехов 5). [О.:] I'm tired, I can barely stand on my feet... (5c).
         ♦ [author's usage] "Ну, веришь, Порфирий, [Раскольников] сам едва на ногах, а чуть только мы, я да Зосимов, вчера отвернулись - оделся и удрал потихоньку и куролесил где-то чуть не до полночи..." (Достоевский 3). "Would you believe it, Porfiry, he [Raskolnikov] could hardly stand up, but as soon as we-Zossimov and I-turned our backs yesterday, he got dressed and made off on the sly, and carried on somewhere till almost midnight..." (3c).
         ♦ Зурин поминутно мне подливал, повторяя, что надобно к службе привыкать. Встав из-за стола, я чуть держался на ногах... (Пушкин 2). Zurin kept filling my glass, repeating that I must get used to the ways of the Service. When I rose from the table, I could hardly stand up straight (2b).
         ♦ Договор был обмыт, и в сумерках, покидая контору, оба с трудом держались на ногах (Войнович 2). The agreement was sealed with a drink and when, at twilight, the two of them left the office, they were both experiencing some difficulty staying on their feet (2a).
         ♦ Главное было передохнуть и не ездить в Москву. Передышка нам была нужна как воздух. И психически сил не хватало на нищенство у довольно бедных людей, хотя по тем временам они казались богачами, и главное - потому что мы оба еле держались на ногах (Мандельштам 2)....The main thing for us was to have a break from our journeys into Moscow. We needed this as much as air to breathe. We just had no heart anymore for the business of begging from people who were themselves quite poor - though by the standards of those times they seemed very well off. But even more to the point, we were almost dropping from fatigue (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > с трудом стоять на ногах

  • 17 чуть держаться на ногах

    [VP; subj: human; usu. pres or past]
    to walk with difficulty (because of exhaustion, weakness, intoxication etc):
    - X едва держится на ногах X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand on his feet;
    - X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand up (straight);
    - X is having a hard time (is experiencing some difficulty) staying on his feet;
    - [in limited contexts] X is almost dropping from fatigue;
    - X is dead on his feet.
         ♦ [Ольга:] Я устала, едва на ногах стою... (Чехов 5). [О.:] I'm tired, I can barely stand on my feet... (5c).
         ♦ [author's usage] "Ну, веришь, Порфирий, [Раскольников] сам едва на ногах, а чуть только мы, я да Зосимов, вчера отвернулись - оделся и удрал потихоньку и куролесил где-то чуть не до полночи..." (Достоевский 3). "Would you believe it, Porfiry, he [Raskolnikov] could hardly stand up, but as soon as we-Zossimov and I-turned our backs yesterday, he got dressed and made off on the sly, and carried on somewhere till almost midnight..." (3c).
         ♦ Зурин поминутно мне подливал, повторяя, что надобно к службе привыкать. Встав из-за стола, я чуть держался на ногах... (Пушкин 2). Zurin kept filling my glass, repeating that I must get used to the ways of the Service. When I rose from the table, I could hardly stand up straight (2b).
         ♦ Договор был обмыт, и в сумерках, покидая контору, оба с трудом держались на ногах (Войнович 2). The agreement was sealed with a drink and when, at twilight, the two of them left the office, they were both experiencing some difficulty staying on their feet (2a).
         ♦ Главное было передохнуть и не ездить в Москву. Передышка нам была нужна как воздух. И психически сил не хватало на нищенство у довольно бедных людей, хотя по тем временам они казались богачами, и главное - потому что мы оба еле держались на ногах (Мандельштам 2)....The main thing for us was to have a break from our journeys into Moscow. We needed this as much as air to breathe. We just had no heart anymore for the business of begging from people who were themselves quite poor - though by the standards of those times they seemed very well off. But even more to the point, we were almost dropping from fatigue (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > чуть держаться на ногах

  • 18 чуть стоять на ногах

    [VP; subj: human; usu. pres or past]
    to walk with difficulty (because of exhaustion, weakness, intoxication etc):
    - X едва держится на ногах X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand on his feet;
    - X can hardly (barely, scarcely) stand up (straight);
    - X is having a hard time (is experiencing some difficulty) staying on his feet;
    - [in limited contexts] X is almost dropping from fatigue;
    - X is dead on his feet.
         ♦ [Ольга:] Я устала, едва на ногах стою... (Чехов 5). [О.:] I'm tired, I can barely stand on my feet... (5c).
         ♦ [author's usage] "Ну, веришь, Порфирий, [Раскольников] сам едва на ногах, а чуть только мы, я да Зосимов, вчера отвернулись - оделся и удрал потихоньку и куролесил где-то чуть не до полночи..." (Достоевский 3). "Would you believe it, Porfiry, he [Raskolnikov] could hardly stand up, but as soon as we-Zossimov and I-turned our backs yesterday, he got dressed and made off on the sly, and carried on somewhere till almost midnight..." (3c).
         ♦ Зурин поминутно мне подливал, повторяя, что надобно к службе привыкать. Встав из-за стола, я чуть держался на ногах... (Пушкин 2). Zurin kept filling my glass, repeating that I must get used to the ways of the Service. When I rose from the table, I could hardly stand up straight (2b).
         ♦ Договор был обмыт, и в сумерках, покидая контору, оба с трудом держались на ногах (Войнович 2). The agreement was sealed with a drink and when, at twilight, the two of them left the office, they were both experiencing some difficulty staying on their feet (2a).
         ♦ Главное было передохнуть и не ездить в Москву. Передышка нам была нужна как воздух. И психически сил не хватало на нищенство у довольно бедных людей, хотя по тем временам они казались богачами, и главное - потому что мы оба еле держались на ногах (Мандельштам 2)....The main thing for us was to have a break from our journeys into Moscow. We needed this as much as air to breathe. We just had no heart anymore for the business of begging from people who were themselves quite poor - though by the standards of those times they seemed very well off. But even more to the point, we were almost dropping from fatigue (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > чуть стоять на ногах

  • 19 Н-114

    HE ЧУВСТВОВАТЬ (HE СЛЫШАТЬ coll, HE ЧУЯТЬ coll) НОГ ПОД СОБОЙ VP subj: human pres or past)
    1. ( usu. Verbal Adv не слыша, не чуя etc) to run very fast
    X бежал, не чуя ног под собой - X was running at full speed
    at breakneck speed, (at) full tilt, as fast as his legs could carry him)
    X бегал, не чуя ног (под собой) = X was flying about.
    2. to be extremely tired, exhausted (from much walking, running, difficult labor etc)
    X ног под собой не слышал = X was ready to drop (collapse)
    X was dead on his feet X was dropping in his tracks X was dead tired (in limited contexts) X was tuckered out.
    Весь день ей некогда было передохнуть, и к вечеру она ног под собой не чуяла. She didn't have a chance to take a break all day and by evening was ready to collapse.
    3. to be very happy, be in ecstasy (over sth.): X ног под собой не чует - X is walking (treading) on air
    X is beside himself (with joy etc).
    Прошло несколько окрыляющих мгновений, я шагал по дорожке сквера, не чувствуя под собой ног, и чем дольше я шёл, тем очевидней становилось моё спасение, и я двигался вперёд ликующими шагами (Искандер 4). Several encouraging instants went by. I strode down the garden path, treading on air. The longer I walked, the more obvious it became that I was safe, and I moved forward with exulting steps (4a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Н-114

  • 20 не слышать ног под собой

    [VP; subj: human; pres or past]
    1. [usu. Verbal Adv не слыша, не чуя etc]
    to run very fast:
    - X бежал, не чуя ног под собой X was running at full speed <at breakneck speed, (at) full tilt, as fast as his legs could carry him>;
    || X бегал, не чуя ног (под собой) X was flying about.
    2. to be extremely tired, exhausted (from much walking, running, difficult labor etc):
    - X ног под собой не слышал X was ready to drop (collapse);
    - [in limited contexts] X was tuckered out.
         ♦ Весь день ей некогда было передохнуть, и к вечеру она ног под собой не чуяла. She didn't have a chance to take a break all day and by evening was ready to collapse.
    3. to be very happy, be in ecstasy (over sth.):
    - X ног под собой не чует X is walking (treading) on air;
    - X is beside himself (with joy etc).
         ♦ Прошло несколько окрыляющих мгновений, я шагал по дорожке сквера, не чувствуя под собой ног, и чем дольше я шёл, тем очевидней становилось моё спасение, и я двигался вперёд ликующими шагами (Искандер 4). Several encouraging instants went by. I strode down the garden path, treading on air. The longer I walked, the more obvious it became that I was safe, and I moved forward with exulting steps (4a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > не слышать ног под собой

См. также в других словарях:

  • dead on one's feet — {adv. phr.}, {informal} Very tired but still standing or walking; too tired to do more; exhausted. * /Jimmy never leaves a job unfinished. He continues to work even when he s dead on his feet./ * /After the soldiers march all night, they are dead …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • dead on one's feet — {adv. phr.}, {informal} Very tired but still standing or walking; too tired to do more; exhausted. * /Jimmy never leaves a job unfinished. He continues to work even when he s dead on his feet./ * /After the soldiers march all night, they are dead …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • dead\ on\ one's\ feet — adv. phr. informal Very tired but still standing or walking; too tired to do more; exhausted. Jimmy never leaves a job unfinished. He continues to work even when he s dead on his feet. After the soldiers march all night, they are dead on their… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • dead — I UK [ded] / US adjective Word forms dead : adjective dead comparative deader superlative deadest *** 1) a) no longer alive The police don t know whether she s alive or dead. He is grieving for his dead father. I raked up the dead leaves. a dead… …   English dictionary

  • dead — dead1 [ ded ] adjective *** ▸ 1 no longer alive ▸ 2 not working ▸ 3 not interesting ▸ 4 no longer relevant ▸ 5 very weak/tired/sick ▸ 6 having no feeling ▸ 7 showing little emotion ▸ 8 no longer spoken ▸ 9 complete ▸ 10 in ball games ▸ 11 when… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • dead — dead1 W1S1 [ded] adj [no comparative] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(not alive)¦ 2¦(not working)¦ 3¦(already used)¦ 4¦(boring)¦ 5¦(not active/used)¦ 6¦(arm/leg etc)¦ 7¦(no emotion)¦ 8¦(tired)¦ 9 be dead to the world …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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  • Dead Celebrities — South Park episode Ike is haunted by the ghost of Billy Mays …   Wikipedia

  • Dead Woman's Shoes (The Twilight Zone) — Dead Woman s Shoes The Twilight Zone episode Scene from Dead Woman s Shoes Episode no. Season 1 Episode 9a …   Wikipedia

  • Dead Space: Downfall — Directed by Chuck Patton Produced by Joe Goyette Robert Weaver Written by …   Wikipedia

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